Right Where I Wanted To Be

Weblog of Bill Kargel...includes News, Observations, Anecdotes, Rants, Raves, and other Nonsense...

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Currently residing in Orlando, FL USA ...Visit my Facebook page for more information: http://www.facebook.com/wkargel

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Part 3 - "Let's Get Physical"

Part 3

Let's Get Physical

Right as the job termination thing occurred, Bridget and I made the investment in a personal
trainer that worked with our chiropractor. I myself was at a record-high 280 lbs in the
hospital, with the majority of it in my belly area. This is definately not good. Despite the
expense, this had so-far been paying off. Even though we have not lost that much weight overall as of yet, we have, based upon our measurements in June, lost body mass in all the right places
and gained in all the right places, so this indicated that fat was converting to muscle, which
is more dense. So we were at least going in the right direction! I personally found a taste for the stationary excercise bike, and can now go about ten miles nonstop at an average speed of
13-14 mph without laboring, indicating that the excersise is having a positive effect on my
cardiovascular system. I have progressed so quickly that my trainer wants me to ride the Silver Comet bike trail with him. I am personally very motivated to do this, but will need a better
bicycle to really make it a workout, and I just don't have the money yet. That and I want to
ride the trail when it is a bit cooler outside, so perhaps sometime in the autumn. As it is, I
am really looking to getting into road cycling as a means to get a regular daily workout. Some
people jog, some swim, some just lift weights. I want to ride a bike!
So, as it stands now, we have been trying to eat better on top of the excercise and workouts to
help speed up our weight loss. My new goal is to lose an average of five pounds a month over
the next year to lose a total of 50-60 lbs, bringing me to about 220-230 lbs.

Thanks to my mother helping us out financially this summer, I have new glasses. If you recall,
my old pair broke last year, and I really needed to have something besides my contact lenses all
the time. I think that they look contemporary enough without looking too trendy, and hopefully
might take a few years off of my appearance!

What about my job search, you ask? I will cover that in Part 4. Stay tuned!


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