Right Where I Wanted To Be

Weblog of Bill Kargel...includes News, Observations, Anecdotes, Rants, Raves, and other Nonsense...

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Currently residing in Orlando, FL USA ...Visit my Facebook page for more information: http://www.facebook.com/wkargel

Friday, August 04, 2006

Part 5 - "Special Delivery"

Part 5

Special Delivery!

Well, the latest (and possibly) greatest news I have to tell is this: it's a good thing that
the job situation is gelling together right now, because Bridget and I have just found out that
she is pregnant again! Yep! We are expecting another baby, probably in the spring of 2007.
That will put the new baby and Rowen about three years apart, give or take a few weeks. This is still somewhat "jumping the gun" as she has yet to see her doctor, but the pregnancy test
screamed "positive" this morning, and she has had physical symptoms similar to the early
symptoms she experienced while pregnant with both Royce and Rowen. No, no morning sickness yet. Too early. We are both very excited and also scared...we were not intending to have another baby at this time given our financial situation, and the need to move to a bigger place eventually just got more important! Cross your fingers that this pregnancy will be a better
experience and a better outcome than the previous two! The statistical odds are in our favour
that the baby will not be born with PHHI like Royce and Rowen did. Remember, it is an autosomal recessive trait and there is a 1 in 4 chance in any pregnancy we have that the baby will be born with it...since both babies so far had it, we are hoping that statistics will be on out side this time. But even if this baby has PHHI, the pregnancy will have been closely monitored like Rowen's was and we all know what the worst-case scenario is (Rowen) and what to do. So we are OK with all that. I am personally rooting for having a girl this time (one of each, a boy and a girl, would be nice)...however, I have heard that after having two boys (Royce and Rowen) in a row greatly increases the likelihood that it will be another boy. In the end, it really doesn't
matter. I am just thrilled that we are expecting another baby, as I always wanted to have more
than one child.

So, I have a new job (hopefully two new jobs, really) and a new baby on the way...all in all an
exciting 2006 so far!

Again, please stay tuned on developments as they come!

I'm glad to be back in the Land of the Living again...!



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