Right Where I Wanted To Be

Weblog of Bill Kargel...includes News, Observations, Anecdotes, Rants, Raves, and other Nonsense...

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Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Currently residing in Orlando, FL USA ...Visit my Facebook page for more information: http://www.facebook.com/wkargel

Friday, August 11, 2006

Kid Chess debut

I went "out in the field" yesterday to participate in the school "meet and greets" to sign up kids for the Kid Chess "Fun With Chess" after-school programs that I will be an instructor in. The pic are from a group of photos I took with my cellphone camera while at Vaughan Elementary School in Powder Springs, GA (Cobb County). This was the presentation...on the right is the Kid Chess sign, demonstration board used as part of intruction and the actual after-school Kid Chess program flyers; in the center are four chessboards, and on the left was my laptop looping a Kid Chess instructional video. I unexpectedly got brownie points from the LEDs on my laptop cooling pad! It brought the kids over like moths to a flame! Ratana (Kid Chess Operations Manager) was impressed that I had so many new signups! Not that I did anything special, as these programs ultimately fill up anyway. But since I am one of the "new guys", I guess I did better than expected! It was stressful but fun!

Now, the actual instruction part of things doesn't begin until after Labor Day, and I have some additional training to be given in the meantime. And I have no idea what schools I will be at yet...so stay tuned!



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